Pro Flaked

Floconné Pro

All DYNAVENA foods are flaked.

DYNAVENA's granulated feeds also contain flakes.


  • As they do not produce much amylase, horses don't digest starch very well. Flaking allows the primary material starch structure to be broken down and also gelatinised. This process makes the starch easier to digest, which improves the feed's energy value (the amount of undigested food is reduced and the amount of feed required to feed the horse can also be reduced).
  • In addition, the surface of attack for a flaked grain is more significant than that of a raw grain, which helps the enzymes' digestive action.

Flocon Avoine

  • On the other hand, flaking increases the ration volume. However, the less dense a feed, the more time it takes to ingest. The horse chews for longer and therefore salivates more, which is key to preparing it's enzymatic equipment and ensuring better digestion.
  • Flaking also destroys anti-nutritional factors of soya beans and sterilises primary materials by eliminating pathogenic germs, thereby improving the bacterial quality of the feed.

DYNAVENA's manufacturing process guarantees optimum and ever consistent processing, in order to achieve high quality results.


  •  Each raw primary material is cleaned to rid it of foreign bodies, stones, dust, fine dust in order to end up with same-sized grains alone.
  • Operating rules have been established for each type of grain in order to improve digestibility: amount of water used and length of wetting, temperature and cooking time, gap between cylinders, determining the thickness of the crushed grains.
  • Each ingredient that is included as is is also cooked and flattened, which eliminates any insects or bacteria so as to achieve an optimum microbic quality.

This combined cooking/flattening action determines the desired level of gelatinisation for each primary material.